Meet Devon, our CityChick chicken keeper of the month for August!
If you keep chickens in Atlanta, you are a trendsetter.
You are part of a growing movement of people that realize that not all of your food has to come from the grocery store. You believe that there is a better answer than factory farming. You show your local community that backyards can be a source of delicious, healthy food by keeping a garden. Long story short - if you keep chickens, you are amazing! And it's my pleasure to highlight one of your amazing chicken keeping neighbors as our CityChick chicken keeper of the month.
And without further ado, please say hello to Devon! Our CityChick chicken keeper of the month for August.
Devon hanging out with Parsley, her Buff Orpington.
Who is Devon in a tweet?
How long have you been keeping chickens in Atlanta?
I have been keeping chickens in Atlanta for a little less than a year.

What's your favorite thing about keeping chickens?
Ever since I was a kid and saw Martha Stewart on her show with her beautiful blue eggs, I’ve wanted hens of my own. I grew up on a farm, so when we moved to Atlanta for work, keeping chickens in our backyard felt like a great way to get back to my roots in a small space. But even after doing tons of research, I was still nervous to take the leap—that is, until we rented from City Chick ATL! It was the perfect way for us to make sure that we were ready for the responsibility of chicken-keeping, and after 6 months of caring for our City Chick hens, we ordered 7 little fluff balls of our own.
How many chickens do you have?
Some of Devon's beautiful chickens!
What's your favorite breed of chicken and why?
I really love Orpingtons—everything about them—I love their temperament, appearance, their curiosity and friendliness.
What advice would you have for any new chicken keeper?
Thank you to Devon for being our August CityChick chicken keeper of the month!
Check out CityChick's chicken keeper of the month for July by clicking here.
Check out CityChick's chicken keeper of the month for June by clicking here.
Check out CityChick's chicken keeper of the month for May by clicking here.
Have you ever been called a crazy chicken person? Contact us at and you could be our next chicken keeper of the month!