Chickens in Atlanta - Can I have them?
Before you get started on your chicken keeping journey, if you belong to a homeowner's association stop and read their bylaws or rules first! Homeowners associations are the enemy of any chicken keepers. Many HOAs will enact fines or penalties against chicken owners. If you're in an area that it is legal to keep chickens, its a good idea to talk to your neighbors first. Reassure them that the chickens won't be noisy (as long as you don't have a rooster) and that you'll be a responsible chicken keeper and not let the chickens stink up the neighborhood. Our neighbors were thrilled once they learned that we were thinking about chickens. We would often gift them with fresh eggs.

County vs. City
If you live in a city within Atlanta, the city bylaws will override the county chicken keeping rules. For example, Decatur is located within Dekalb County. Decatur's chicken keeping rules override the Dekalb County ordinances.
City of Atlanta:
Chickens can be kept as long as any housing or enclosure used by any domestic animal or livestock shall be well-drained, free from accumulations of animal excrement and objectionable odors and otherwise clean and sanitary. Animal excrement shall be disposed of in a manner approved by Fulton County or its designee.
Chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, pigeons, or similar fowl must be provided with at least 4 ft (for each bird) average minimum floor or ground area in the enclosure.
Distance from any residence, except that of owner, or any business establishment, 50 feet.
The maximum number that can be kept of chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, pigeons, or similar fowl is capped at 25.
For more info from the City of Atlanta: ( Ord. No. 2017-30(17-O-1033), § 1, 6-14-17 )

City of Brookhaven:
Domestic fowl, bees, and potbellied pigs may be kept within the city subject to the following regulations:
(a)General provisions.(1)All animals kept under this section must be provided with adequate housing.(2)Any housing or enclosure used by any domestic animal or livestock shall be well-drained, free from accumulations of animal excrement and objectionable odors, and otherwise clean and sanitary.(3)Animal excrement shall be disposed of in a manner approved by the health officer or his designee.(4)The houses, hutches, pens, or other enclosures where animals are kept shall have a solid floor made of cement or other suitable washable material.(5)All structures and enclosures for the keeping of animals must comply with setback requirements for accessory structures. If requirements between this section and the requirements for accessory structures differ, the more restrictive shall control.(6)Any vicious animal shall be deemed a nuisance.(7)Every person owning or keeping animals in the city is required to keep such animals confined and not allow such animals to enter other property. This subsection shall not apply to beekeeping.(8)Composted animal waste may be used as fertilizer for the purpose of enriching the property owner's soil.(9)Animals must be kept in sanitary conditions and shall not be a public nuisance.(10)Disposal of dead animals shall be subject to rules, regulations, and requirements of DeKalb County Sanitation.
(b)Domestic fowl.
(1)The minimum fenced yard area for domestic fowl shall be 25 square feet per fowl.
(2)Each domestic fowl shall be provided with a minimum four square feet floor or ground area in the coop where it is kept per fowl over four months old. For Bantams, a variety of chickens defined as miniature, each coop shall have one square foot of floor area per fowl over four months old.
(3)Domestic fowl must be cooped at least seven feet six inches feet from any property line.
(4)Any structure housing domestic fowl must be located in the side or rear yard if a principal building exists.
(5)The minimum lot size for the keeping of domestic fowl is 6,000 square feet.
(6)The maximum number of domestic fowl over four months old shall be 25 birds per lot. Furthermore, no owner shall have more than one domestic fowl per 1,000 square feet of lot area as depicted on the plat of the lot on file in the Superior Court of DeKalb County (with all fractions rounded down to the nearest whole number).
(7)Domestic fowl and associated structures shall comply with all other relevant articles of this Code, including those relating to noise and property maintenance.
(8)No roosters are allowed.
(9)Domestic fowl must be kept securely in an enclosed yard or pen at all times.
(10)Domestic fowl are only permitted as pets or for egg production; domestic fowl shall not be kept for slaughter.

Cobb County:
The link to download the form is here.
Sec. 134-290. Backyard chickens for properties under 80,000 square feet (approved 02-11-20 by the Board of Commissioners) a. There shall be a maximum ratio of one Backyard Chicken per 5,000 square feet of lot area on any lot less than 80,000 square feet; b. Only hens are kept on the property; c. The Backyard chickens shall be kept/maintained within a fenced area to the rear of the house; d. Coops, or other buildings used for the poultry shall be located at least 25 feet off any property line. Coops are considered an accessory structure and all conditions for accessory structures in that zoning district shall also apply for any coop over 144 square feet; e. The owner(s) of the poultry shall keep the property maintained in a fashion that eliminates the potential negative effects resulting from the poultry, including but not limited to, odors, pollution, noise, insects, rodents and other wild animals; f. The Backyard Chickens shall not cause a nuisance, as defined by state law; g. The slaughter of any hen on site is prohibited; and h. This section does not authorize persons to violate applicable restrictive covenants and/or homeowners' association rules and regulations. Property owners are solely responsible for compliance with all applicable restrictive covenants and homeowners' association rules and regulations. NOTE: This form can be submitted in person at 1150 Powder Springs Street, Suite 400, M

Dekalb County:
Click here to go to the municode
I.Keeping of chickens, pigeons.
1.The minimum fenced yard area for chickens shall be twenty-five (25) square feet per hen.
2.Chickens and pigeons must be housed at least twenty (20) feet from any property line, and fifty (50) feet from any residence other than the owner's.
3.Any structure housing chickens and pigeons must be located in the rear yard if a principal building exists.
4.The minimum lot size for the keeping of chickens or pigeons is ten thousand (10,000) square feet. Fenced area for chickens shall comply with the setback requirements for accessory structures. Chickens and pigeons and associated structures and fencing shall comply with relevant articles of chapters 16 and 18, relating to noise and property maintenance.
5.No roosters are allowed.
6.The maximum number of hens shall be one (1) hen per two thousand (2,000) square feet of lot size.
7.Each coop shall have at least four (4) square feet of floor space per chicken over four (4) months old. For Bantams, a variety defined as miniature, each coop shall have one (1) square foot of floor area per chicken over four (4) months old.
8.Chickens must be kept securely in an enclosed yard or pen at all times.
9.Chickens are only permitted as pets or for egg production; the chickens cannot be kept for slaughter.
10.Composted animal waste can be used as fertilizer for the purpose of enriching the soil of the owner's property.
11.Animals must be kept under sanitary conditions and shall not be a public nuisance.
City of Decatur:
Small domesticated animals, such as rabbits and guinea pigs and fowl, such as chickens, ducks, geese, guineas, turkeys and the like may be kept within the city subject to the following regulations:
(1)All such animals shall be provided with adequate and sanitary housing. Such houses, hutches, pens, stables, sheds, stalls and enclosures wherein domesticated animals, poultry or other fowl are kept shall have a solid floor as may be approved by the county health officer. All such houses, hutches, pens, stables, sheds, stalls and enclosures, wherever located, shall have a minimum floor space of four square feet per animal or bird over one month old.
(2)All houses, hutches, pens, stables, sheds, stalls or enclosures where such livestock, poultry or other fowl are kept shall not be nearer to any houses wherein human beings reside, other than the residence of the person who is the owner of such animals, than a distance equal to the width of the lot upon which the animals are kept, or a minimum distance of 75 feet should the lot be 75 feet or more in width.
(3)Every person owning or keeping chickens or any other domestic fowl in the city is hereby required to keep such fowl and chickens under fence and not allow such chickens or fowl to run on any property other than his own.
(4)Live slaughter shall be prohibited.
Click here to go to Decatur's municode
(Code 1967, § 5-8; Ord. No. O-12-Z-22, § 2, 12-3-12)
It shall be unlawful to keep livestock such as cattle, horses and similar animals, hogs, pigs, sheep, goats, chickens, ducks, geese, guineas, turkeys and other fowl within the City. C'mon Doraville! Get your act together!!
(Ord. No. 06-01, § 1, 1-3-06)
Any public nuisance animal may be impounded and the owner or possessor charged for a violation of this article.
Chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, pigeons, or similar fowl shall be kept at the 25 ft. minimum distances from any occupied building except the dwelling unit of the owner.
Chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, pigeons, or similar fowl must be provided with at least 4 ft (for each bird) average minimum floor or ground area in the enclosure.
The maximum number that can be kept of chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, pigeons, or similar fowl is capped at 25. But again, please don't keep 25 chickens on a small piece of property.
Section Sec. 34-210 on Fulton County municode. Click here for the link.