CityChick's Chicken keeper spotlight!
When you think of Valentine's day gifts, what do you think of? Chocolates? Flowers? Well, this month's chicken keeper received a gift of three hens for her special February surprise! It was "eggsactly" two years ago this month that Eve's boyfriend, Buck surprised her with a set of chickens. Little did Eve know this would be the start of her chicken keeping journey!
Say hello to Eve!
(Eve and her Golden Comet hen, Elsa)

Who is Eve in a tweet?
I’m a Product Manager as a healthcare software company who likes hanging out with her chickens more than meetings.

How long have you been keeping chickens? My two year “Chickaversary” is this Valentine’s Day!
How did you get started in chickens? I had family in Louisiana that I would visit every year who had chickens and that is where I got introduced to chickens and having them around. I never had my own until my boyfriend Buck got them for me as a surprise Valentine’s Day gift. I had even purchased books about keeping chickens over the years.

How many chickens do you have? I currently have seven hens (three golden comets from CityChick, three lavender Marans, and a Lavender Orpington.

(Eve's "CityChicks" are absolutely beautiful!)
Tell us about your coop!
We started off with the CityChick chicken tractor and still have it to use as a grow out coop. I realized that I wanted more chickens (chicken math) so Buck built me a wonderful coop that has a walk in run!

Your coop is beautiful! Tell us about some of the features.
Predator proofing was really important for us so we used hardware cloth on the entire coop. We have a ramp that pulls up and can lock the ladies in at night. We have three doors for easy cleaning. I love the walk in run and the ever so important open latch on the inside so I never get locked in the run on accident!
(Eve and Buck showing off a couple of their girls!)

What is your favorite product(s) from CityChick that help with your flock?
I love the new organics food but I think the chickens would say it’s the CityChick DoGood grubs because they come running for those.
(Eve feeding CityChick DoGood Grubs to her flock!)

What advice would you give to any new chicken keeper?
Number one thing - chicken math is real! But I also think having some basic first aid and chicken supplies available is so helpful. Predator proofing is a big deal too!

(Look at those smiling faces!)
Thank you so much Eve for sharing your chicken keeping story with the community!
Know of someone that keeps chickens in Atlanta that would like to be featured? Let us know at! We're always looking for great chicken keepers!
Thanks again to Eve and Buck for sharing your chicken story!