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Do your backyard chickens need grit?

Do your backyard chickens need grit?

Do your backyard chickens need grit?

Raising backyard chickens can be a delightful experience, filled with quirky personalities, fresh eggs, and a few surprises along the way. But if you're new to the world of chickens, you might be wondering about some of the finer details of their care—like grit. What is it? Do your chickens need it? And why are we even talking about it? 

What Is Grit, Anyway?

Grit is essentially tiny rocks or stones that chickens eat to help them digest their food. Unlike us, chickens don’t have teeth, so they can’t chew their food. Instead, they swallow it whole, and it goes into a special part of their stomach called the gizzard. The gizzard uses these tiny rocks (grit) to grind up the food so it can be digested properly.

Think of the gizzard like a food processor—it needs something to chop up all those grains, bugs, and scraps your chickens are munching on. Without grit, the gizzard can’t do its job, and your chickens could end up with indigestion or even more serious health issues.

Do All Chickens Need Grit?

Not necessarily! Whether your chickens need grit depends on what you’re feeding them. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • If your chickens are free-ranging: They’re probably picking up grit naturally from the ground as they peck around. In this case, they might not need any extra grit from you.

  • If you’re feeding them treats: If you’re giving them treats like whole grains, seeds, or kitchen scraps, adding grit is a good idea.

  • If your chickens are confined: Chickens kept in a coop or run without access to dirt and rocks will definitely need you to provide grit. Without it, they’ll struggle to digest anything that isn’t already finely ground.

How to Feed Grit to Your Chickens

Providing grit is super easy. All you have to do is offer it in a separate dish or sprinkle it around their coop and run. Chickens are pretty smart when it comes to their own needs—they’ll eat as much or as little grit as they need.

Why It Matters

Feeding your chickens grit isn’t just a nice extra—it’s an essential part of keeping them healthy if they need it. Without grit, chickens can’t properly digest their food, which can lead to blockages, malnutrition, and other health problems. So, while it might seem like a small detail, making sure your chickens have access to grit is a big part of keeping your flock happy and healthy.

Final Peck of Advice

In a nutshell (or should we say, in an eggshell?), yes—you should definitely consider feeding your backyard chickens grit, especially if they’re confined. It’s an easy way to ensure they’re getting the most out of their food and staying in tip-top shape. Your clucking crew will thank you with lots of healthy eggs.

Save on Layer Grit here with our buy 2 get 1 free offer!


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